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Podcast creator?
, , and
Podcastics has been created by podcasters
to handle everything very easily.
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Podcastics is a

podcast host

, allowing you to distribute your podcast on all listening platforms and apps in the world – like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube…
But Podcastics goes way further, and includes many features:

unlimited hosting, podcast statistics, web audio players, a full podcast website, reviews & ratings, comments, QR Code, magic link, users & clients accounts, monetization

, and many more useful tools for your podcast.
Because we've been podcasters ourselves for the last 15 years, we've built the

best podcast hosting platform

, thanks to our deep knowledge of podcasters needs.
We also think that podcasting should be accessible to as many people as possible. That's why we offer one of the

cheapest podcast hosting platforms

in the world – but also one of the most comprehensive.

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