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10. Tools of Recovery Part 3: Safety Plans

Preparing ahead for patches of turbulence

Season 1, episode 10
23 min / Published

In this episode we demystify another aspect of recovery and talk about preparing for unexpected patches of extreme turbulence before they happen. The time to think about what to do if your husband relapses is not after the event, but before. A safety plan is a personalized, practical plan of what to do if your husband looks at porn again. The point of the safety plan is not to punish him but to help you respond in a healthy and effective way.

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Fight For Love
A podcast by Fight For Love
How to take back your marriage from porn
Episode comments

I hate this episode. Honestly. It feels like a parenting strategy. It feels like they get to have their cake and eat it too. So you have to sleep in the other room for three nights and confess to your accountability group. Big deal. Then what. You just go back to what you were doing after. Does the consequences change if your still doing the same thing over and over and over!? It feels like we have to just except this is it, husbands are going to cheat on you with porn and you just have to keep putting up with it til what? When is enough enough? Honestly… I’m sorry if this is coming off harsh. I’m in a terrible place in my marriage. Separated 8 months and he’s still acting out but in no program except talking to a pastor and reading books and talking to his trusted friends. This is what has been going on for 26 years. Consequences don’t seem to work for him. He’s done two programs. He knows stuff. I’m just so frustrated.He wants to do something different as of today but I’m so broken I do t think I can do it anymore. When he looks at porn it tears my world to pieces. I ve read a ton of books and I know why he does it but it doesn’t matter. He still chooses porn and masturbating over me and our family. He knows how it feels and what it does and he still goes there. I cannot except it. 

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