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100. Do You Know How Amazing You Are?

We're not just celebrating 100 episodes, we are also celebrating you!

13 min / Published

Toss the confetti and inflate the balloons! We are celebrating 100 episodes today! But more important than that, we are celebrating YOU! Do you know how amazing you are? In case you forgot or need a reminder, listen in and be encouraged. Join encourager, Julie Lefebure, each Tuesday morning as she offers real encouragement for your real life right now through a fresh, hope-filled perspective, a lighthearted inspiration, and Biblical insight, all in about 15 minutes. Each episode will lift your spirits and equip you to be a light in this world. Find extra encouragement at julielefebure.com/resources/.

  • encouragement
  • women
  • hope
  • blessing
  • inspiration
  • Bible
  • Christian
  • God
  • real life
  • truth
Show notes

We're tossing confetti and inflating balloons here today! We're having one big party! Well, not really, but inside I sure am! Can you believe this is episode 100 of the Encouragement for Real Life Podcast? I can't. Well, I guess I can and I can't. Both. Because to me, it doesn't seem like we've been here for 100 episodes. Time goes by so fast these days, doesn't it?

Yet, we've journeyed through much in 100 episodes, haven't we??!

Everything from why I began the podcast, to talking about seasons of transitions, to learning about distractions, to walking through trying circumstances, to sharing personal stories of hope and encouragement. We've experienced a lot together, and if you haven't listened to all 100 episodes, that's okay. But they are available if you ever want to go back and check them out. In fact, I invite you to. Because you'll gather a little more info as to why this podcast exists and my heart for God and for you.

But more than celebrating this milestone episode, I'd rather celebrate you. Why? Because truly, you are the reason why this podcast exists. A number of you asked if I ever thought about doing a podcast, which at the time, I hadn't. So, God used you to plant seeds in my heart. It's because of you that my mind was opened to the idea of a podcast as I followed God's prompting. It's because of you I keep showing up here each week. Because, no matter how cheesy or weird it may sound, you matter to me. You are the reason I do what I do. (Well, and because God has called me to do so.)

So, yes, you are worth celebrating.

Do you know how amazing you are?

If it's okay, I'll remind you today.

Simply because God created you amazing. You are unique, one of a kind, and special. No one looks like you, acts like you, is blessed with the same gifts and talents as you. You are God's amazing creation. In fact, His Word tells us just how amazing He created you.

I share scripture regarding how God made you and what He thinks of you. Plus a list of what else God's Word says about you. 

Thank you for showing up here week in and week out. Thank you for allowing me to journey though life with you. I thank you for giving me the extra reason to keep doing what I'm doing. Like I say often, I'm glad we get to do this real life together. I celebrate you today in this 100th episode!

Thanks for being here! God bless you.

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Encouragement for Real Life
A podcast by Julie Lefebure
The place to find real encouragement for your real life right now.
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