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112. Living Above the Noise with Terry Covey

This world is noisy. Learning how to live above it matters.

34 min / Published

This world is noisy. Some days it's hard to tune it all out. But what if we lived above the noise instead? In this episode, Julie shares her conversation with encourager, Terry Covey. They discuss what living above the noise means, why we would want to, and how to go about doing that. You'll be blessed as you listen! Join encourager, Julie Lefebure, each Tuesday morning as she offers real encouragement for your real life right now through a fresh, hope-filled perspective, a lighthearted inspiration, and Biblical insight, all in about 15 minutes (guest shows are longer). Each episode will lift your spirits and equip you to be a light in this world. Find extra encouragement at julielefebure.com/resources/.

  • encouragement
  • living above the noise
  • women
  • Bible
  • Christian
  • hope
  • blessing
  • inspiration
  • real life
  • Terry Covey
Show notes

You are listening to episode 112 of the Encouragement for Real Life Podcast, titled Living Above the Noise with Terry Covey. Welcome to the podcast, and thanks for tuning in today! This world is noisy isn't it? How well are we doing at living above the noise these days? Or are we becoming overloaded and overwhelmed from it? I know from experience how easily this can happen, but living above the noise is a refreshing and beautiful way to live our lives in this real world. Well, friend, we are in for a treat today here as I share a powerful and uplifting conversation I had with the wonderful Terry Covey. I believe this will encourage your heart and spur you on in your real life today. Terry inspires us in living above the noise and walking in our callings. Get ready to be blessed today! Let's get right into this episode.

Terry says some powerful and impactful statements, and she lets us peer into her heart and her world as she encourages women in their callings. She shares pieces of her story as she raised ten children, is a grandmother of 23, and homeschooled for 30 years. Terry shows us God can use us right where we are.

Living above the noise helps us live out God's calling.

Self-labeled as an independent spirit, Terry embraces us as imperfect women in an imperfect world, and reminds us God uses us in spite of the ways we don't do everything perfect. She is good at releasing the burden of perfectionism we often carry, and helps us to this in this episode.

We end the episode in a fun way with a "this or that" series of questions.

Friend, I pray this episode encourages your heart and helps you live above the noise of this world! Thanks for tuning in today, and for making a positive difference in this world. God bless you.

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Encouragement for Real Life
A podcast by Julie Lefebure
The place to find real encouragement for your real life right now.
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