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120. Here Is a New Concept: Celebrate "Thanksgivings"

This may just transform our lives!

12 min / Published

Here we are! It's Thanksgiving week in the U.S. It's a full week as many of us prepare. Above all, may our hearts be full of thanks to God. In this episode, Julie shares a concept that inspired her last week to think of "thanksgiving" a little differently. It may just inspire you, too! Not just for Thanksgiving, the day, but for every day of your life. Join encourager, Julie Lefebure, each Tuesday morning as she offers real encouragement for your real life right now through a fresh, hope-filled perspective, a lighthearted inspiration, and Biblical insight, all in about 15 minutes (guest shows are longer). Each episode will lift your spirits and equip you to be a light in this world. Find extra encouragement at julielefebure.com/resources/.

  • encouragement
  • Thanksgiving
  • hope
  • women
  • Christian
  • Bible
  • inspiration
  • real life
  • thanks
  • grateful
Show notes

Well, here we are. It's Thanksgiving week in the U.S. The week where we are reminded to pause and give thanks. I found something recently that caught my attention: to celebrate "Thanksgivings." If you're interested in celebrating Thanksgiving with a fresh perspective and maybe a new concept, listen in and together we'll find timely hope and encouragement. Not just for this week, but for every week of our lives.

As I think about Thanksgiving Day approaching, my heart's desire is to live a life of thanksgiving, and to have a grateful and thankful heart every day. But I'll be the first to confess I don't always live that out so well. I'm not always giving thanks, and I don't always have a grateful heart.

Maybe you can relate.

Or maybe you follow through with your good intentions of living in thankfulness better than I do. I hope that's the case.

So I'm grateful for the Thanksgiving holiday. It's a day set aside that helps those of us who forget or who don't always live our thankfulness out so well. But of course it's much more than that.

You know me, I looked up the definition of the word thanksgiving, and here is what I found. Thanksgiving is:

  • a public celebration in acknowledgment of divine favor or kindness.
  • the act of giving thanks; grateful acknowledgment of benefits or favors, especially to God.
  • an expression of thanks, especially to God.
  • a day set apart for giving thanks to God.

Thanksgiving is an act, or practice, or expression, but it's also a day. And don't these definitions encourage you to look at thanksgiving, the act and the day, with a renewed perspective? I mean, pause for a moment and think about all the many blessings in our lives for which we are grateful.

When was the last time we thanked God for them?

It's a good day to celebrate "Thanksgivings."

What britannica.com shared about the New England colonists inspired me last week. "The New England colonists were accustomed to regularly celebrating 'Thanksgivings,' days of prayer thanking God for blessings such as military victory or the end of a drought." Hmmm, maybe we can learn something from this.

I know it's a full week as we prepare for Thanksgiving, but let's not let the preparations pull us away from giving thanks. Let's begin today. Friend, for what are you giving thanks today? Let's make today--and every day--be a day of thanksgiving. Remember this week, I am thanking God for you. You are a blessing. Thanks for hanging out with me here. God bless you and happy Thanksgiving!

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