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128. Are We Missing Moments We Will Never Get Back?

Our life moments are too important to miss!

16 min / Published

When you think back over your life, have there been priceless moments you missed that you know you will never get to live again? Julie shares one that changed her life, and she shares it from the Introduction of Right Now Matters in this episode. You won't want to miss this one! Join encourager, Julie Lefebure, each Tuesday morning as she offers real encouragement for your real life right now through a fresh, hope-filled perspective, a lighthearted inspiration, and Biblical insight, all in about 15 minutes (guest shows are longer). Each episode will lift your spirits and equip you to be a light in this world. Find extra encouragement at julielefebure.com/resources/.

  • encouragement
  • women
  • hope
  • inspiration
  • distraction
  • live in the moment
  • real life
  • stay present
  • blessing
  • forgiveness
Show notes

Beginning this week, I'm leading two groups of women through the Right Now Matters Bible Study for five weeks, and I'm so completely excited about it. As I was preparing for our first time together, I recounted in my mind a pivotal moment in my life. I've thought about this moment so often, because I think many of us have experienced something similar. I missed an important life moment, not because I was physically absent, but because I was mentally absent by distractions. I share it in detail in the Introduction of Right Now Matters, and I thought it might be wise and helpful to share it in today's episode. It might just bring to light how often we are missing moments we will never get back.

So, I do.

Are we missing moments we will never get back?

From my experience and from hearing the stories of numerous other women, we are. Whether it's a moment with our children or grandchildren, a moment with our spouse or a friend, or some special instance God wants to bless us through, distractions will always prevent us from experiencing it in all its fullness. Distractions rob us of more than we realize. I wonder how many times God has tried to blessed me in some particular way, yet I missed it because I was distracted!

Think of a time when you missed something important--a moment you'll never get back--because of some distraction. It's not a fun memory to return to, I know, but in doing so, we can learn from it and heal from it. Ignoring it or pretending it didn't happen doesn't make it go away. Trust me, I've learned this the hard way.

But when we return to it, when we address it, it's not to relive it to punish ourselves are to make us feel bad all over again. No. But we return to it, we release it of any negative influence it may have on our lives today. Plus, it gives us the opportunity to learn from it so it doesn't happen again and so we're not missing moments we will never get back.

Living distracted is not God's best for us.

You and I no longer need to be missing moments we'll never get back. God has a better life for us. I pray we take some time today to seek Him and to begin the steps it takes to live undistracted. Life is too important to live it distracted, friend. I'm cheering you on, and I thank you for being here. You are a blessing! God bless you.

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Encouragement for Real Life
A podcast by Julie Lefebure
The place to find real encouragement for your real life right now.
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