44. What I Know Now, But Did Not Know Then
The difference wisdom makes in our lives.
What do you know now that you did not know when you were younger? No matter how old we are, we can look back and see the difference wisdom makes in our lives as we age. But how do we acquire this wisdom? Can we get more of it? Listen in to find out more as Julie shares what she knows now but didn't know then. Join encourager, Julie Lefebure, each Tuesday morning as she offers real encouragement for your real life right now through a fresh, hope-filled perspective, a lighthearted inspiration, and Biblical insight, all in about 15 minutes. Each episode will lift your spirits and equip you to be a light in this world. Find extra encouragement at julielefebure.com/resources/.
What do you know now that you did not know when you were younger? No matter how old we are, we can look back and see the difference wisdom makes in our lives as we age. But how do we acquire this wisdom? Can we get more of it? Listen in to find out more as Julie shares what she knows now but didn't know then. Join encourager, Julie Lefebure, each Tuesday morning as she offers real encouragement for your real life right now through a fresh, hope-filled perspective, a lighthearted inspiration, and Biblical insight, all in about 15 minutes. Each episode will lift your spirits and equip you to be a light in this world. Find extra encouragement at julielefebure.com/resources/.
- encouragement
- women
- Christian
- hope
- inspiration
- wisdom
- God
- blessing
- prayer
- real life
No matter our age today, when we think back to our younger years, we might remember the inexperienced and immature version of ourselves, right? I scratch my head at some of my childish ways and actions in my younger years, and I wonder, what was I thinking? Maybe you, too? It's a good thing we've grown up, isn't it? It's a good thing what we know now has matured from what we knew then. I invite you to think on this today.
It's been said that with age comes wisdom. And I guess, I agree. The thing is, God knew what He was doing when He created us and designed us to gain wisdom as we age. Yet, we see in the Bible of how He gave wisdom to those who asked, such as Solomon. But what is wisdom, anyway? Dictionary.com defines it as the quality or state of being wise; knowledge of what is true or right coupled with just judgment as to action; discernment, or insight. Thesaurus.com adds the synonyms of foresight, understanding, experience, and intelligence.
One thing I know now is we can ask God for wisdom.
I wish the less mature, younger Julie would have known or thought to ask God for wisdom. Yes, that's a thing! We can ask God for wisdom! No matter what age we are! But, do we do this? Do you and I ask God for wisdom? Do we pray for wisdom? Back in my younger years, I didn't know that was an option.
In this episode, I share how and why we are invited to ask God for wisdom, and we look into King Solomon as an example. I also share my partial list of what I know now that I didn't know then.
What do you know now that you didn't know then?
Solomon began his kingship well by asking God for wisdom. But sadly, over the years his many wives led him astray, and he drifted from God. What if he would have kept seeking God and asking Him daily for a renewal of God's wisdom? Think it would have made a difference? I do. May this be a warning and an encouragement for us today. And it might be the most important point. To keep seeking God and asking for His wisdom. Daily. Thank you for being here today, friend. God bless you.
Links in this episode:
- Definition of wisdom
- Synonyms of wisdom
- James 1:5 VOICE
- 1 Kings 3:5-14 NLT
- Proverbs 2:6 CEV
- Encouragement for Real Life Community on Facebook
- Free Encouragement Resources on my site (bookmarks, printables, lock screens, social posts) for your use

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