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61. Here Is the Truth: God Sees You and He Cares

Because sometimes we need a reminder of this truth.

17 min / Published

Ever question if God sees you, if He hears you, and if He cares? If so, you're not alone. In this episode Julie takes us through a powerful story of how God met a woman and her son in the wilderness and cared for them there. It's the story of Hagar and Ishmael, and the lessons learned can be applied to our own lives. Join encourager, Julie Lefebure, each Tuesday morning as she offers real encouragement for your real life right now through a fresh, hope-filled perspective, a lighthearted inspiration, and Biblical insight, all in about 15 minutes. Each episode will lift your spirits and equip you to be a light in this world. Find extra encouragement at julielefebure.com/resources/.

  • encouragement
  • women
  • inspiration
  • Bible
  • Christianity
  • hope
  • scripture
  • real life
  • God provides
Show notes

Some days are just plain difficult to maneuver, aren't they? We run into detours, roadblocks, and rough terrain. Our hearts and bodies get weary, our minds become overloaded, and our attitudes take a nosedive. We attempt to trudge through the day on our own, forgetting God is with us and is going ahead of us. And to top it all off, we don't always remember just how much God cares for us. Well, in today's episode we're pausing to look at truth, and if you've ever questioned if God sees you and if He cares, you are in the right place today.

Have you ever asked questions like:

Does God really care about me and what I'm going through?
Or am I invisible to Him?
Does He hear me when I pray?
Or do my words fall on deaf ears?
Does God see how I'm struggling?
Or is He making me go through this because of my past mistakes?

I'm guessing we've all asked these or similar questions. And there's nothing wrong with asking them. In fact, it's in the asking where we find the answers. It's in the asking where we learn truth. And it's in the asking where we are met with reality of who God really is.

The truth of the matter is this:

God sees you, He hears you, and He cares.

And, thankfully, it doesn't matter what you've done or haven't done.

As an earthly father would be, His gaze is on and His ears are tuned in to His children. He is neither blind nor deaf to our needs. What concerns us concerns Him. Likewise, He is never too busy or too tired or too anything to meet us in the circumstances we are in. You and I are never alone, never out of God’s sight, and never beyond His earshot.

How do I know?

Well, simply, because the Bible tells me so.

All throughout scripture, we see how God intervened and acted on behalf of His people. So, if He did all this for them, why would He not act on our behalf, too?

In this episode we look at one of the amazing stories in the Bible where God met a woman and her son in the wilderness and cared for them there. It's the story of Hagar and Ishmael, and consequently, we ponder how we can apply the lessons we learn from this story to our own lives.

No matter what you may be walking through or experiencing, I pray this story of Hagar and Ishmael encourages your heart. I pray it reminds you how much God cares for you. God sees you, friend. He loves you so very much. Hang on to this today and every day. God bless you.

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Encouragement for Real Life
A podcast by Julie Lefebure
The place to find real encouragement for your real life right now.
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