A dose of good vibes makes a difference - Carole Danacher, AllVibes
hen searching for a hotel, a place to eat or a city to visit, Carole Danancher was frustrated with the long written reviews, which often were anonymous, outdated and most of the time fake.
Season 1, episode 11
24 min /
When searching for a hotel, a place to eat or a city to visit, Carole Danancher was frustrated with the long written reviews, which often were anonymous, outdated and most of the time fake. In the way she describes how she came up to create AllVibes with her 3 partners, Carole perfectly illustrates the difference between a traditional, corporate approach and an entrepreneurial approach, from identifying and addressing a market opportunity to building a user community from the ground up and improving an experience she has known herself better than anyone else.
When searching for a hotel, a place to eat or a city to visit, Carole Danancher was frustrated with the long written reviews, which often were anonymous, outdated and most of the time fake. In the way she describes how she came up to create AllVibes with her 3 partners, Carole perfectly illustrates the difference between a traditional, corporate approach and an entrepreneurial approach, from identifying and addressing a market opportunity to building a user community from the ground up and improving an experience she has known herself better than anyone else.
- reviews
- apps
- foodies
- stationf
- allvibes
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Balancing work, life, video gaming and multiple timezone projects - Romain Piegay, Advenworks
Advenworks is a network of talented videogame crafters creating and publishing high-quality, addictive games.
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Where Amazon and VentePrivée could not go - Ingrid Chaines, Shopîles
Shopîles is a startup addressing the market of shoppers in the French overseas territories
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