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A Quiet Time with God is Vital for our Mental Health

Season 2023, episode 129
5 min / Published

Our world is so noisy! Quiet time is at a premium. At home, the television or radio is always on. Some of us are surrounded by noisy family or pets. When we’re active many of us have headphones on. Some of us work in noisy offices, factories, even classrooms. All that noise leads to low-grade stress. It's hard to find quiet time.

That’s why it’s important to carve out a daily quiet time and listen to God.

Jesus understood this. Throughout his ministry, he would slip away from noise and people and spend time alone with God. Jesus' own quiet time. He would take time to recharge his batteries. He would retreat and spend time reflecting. During quiet time, he would listen to God. How could he speak God’s words if he didn’t hear them?

My day starts better when instead of switching on the radio and hearing the news or opening social media to see what’s going on, I start with a quiet time with God, listening for his voice and reflecting on what’s been going on. Maybe it works for you too?

Think It Over

Think about the following:

• Does a regular quiet time have a positive effect on your stress levels?

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Battle Drill Daily Devotional
A podcast by Rob Westwood-Payne
Positive, practical encouragement from the Bible every day.
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