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AJ & McCall 01/05/18

Its the holiday version of kids say the silliest things! What funny things did the little ones say over the break? Did the toys survive the break or are they broken already? Have any problem putting toys together? When was the last time AJ & McCall


It’s the holiday version of kids say the silliest things! What funny things did the little ones say over the break? Did the toys survive the break or are they broken already? Have any problem putting toys together? When was the last time AJ & McCall had a present that broke? AJ & McCall are procrastinators, and AJ is terrible at keeping them, so what should their New Year’s Resolutions be? #DebateAt8 Friday is #iPodIdol day! The song is Maroon 5’s ‘What Lovers Do’ and the punishment is having to call your parents and do meows during the competition. What’s the stylistic choice? And who did it best?

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