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AJ & McCall 01/10/18

Now that the holidays are official over, and we cant jinx it, AJ & McCall want to know what you think the worst time to travel is? Is it near Christmas, over the summer or some other time of the year? Speaking of traveling, in Oregon there was a sli


Now that the holidays are official over, and we can’t jinx it, AJ & McCall want to know what you think the worst time to travel is? Is it near Christmas, over the summer or some other time of the year? Speaking of traveling, in Oregon there was a slight rule change that allows for self-serve at gas stations and people are losing their minds. Let’s poke some fun and set the bar a little lower, what’s a mundane task you wish someone would do for you? Things got intense yesterday in the VFX studios when someone used a word that was actually one of McCall’s super pet peeves. So the #DebateAt8 is what words, phrases or mispronunciations just set you off? And the time has come for McCall to face her #iPodIdol punishment. She must call a family member and meow.

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