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AJ & McCall 01/29/18

AJ & McCall found the meme for the Grammys and want you to caption it. What was Lorde thinking in the picture? Friday on the Drop of the Mic podcast AJ & McCall put together a list of what it means to be an official Utahn. What are the things t


AJ & McCall found the meme for the Grammy’s and want you to caption it. What was Lorde thinking in the picture? Friday on the Drop of the Mic podcast AJ & McCall put together a list of what it means to be an official Utahn. What are the things to see, things to eat, things to say that make you officially from Utah? AJ’s mom is visiting this weekend and, since he’s not an official Utahn, he needs help to earn brownie points. For the #DebateAt8 help him put together and awesome weekend for his mom. What are cool things to do? Who is going to get hit by ping pong balls for losing #iPodIdol? AJ or McCall?

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