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AJ & McCall 02/06/18

#FeelGoodTuesday is all about animals today. A lady, who gave up her puppy, was reconnected with her dog seven years later. Both AJ & McCall have soft spots for animals, and have adopted plenty. What are your adopted animal stories? Former football

1 hr 27 min / Published

#FeelGoodTuesday is all about animals today. A lady, who gave up her puppy, was reconnected with her dog seven years later. Both AJ & McCall have soft spots for animals, and have adopted plenty. What are your adopted animal stories? Former football player Chad Johnson got fascinated with a tablet and left an almost 350% tip. What’s the biggest tip you’ve ever gotten? Biggest stiff on a check? We had to dig up an old email to organize the Valentine’s Fix and AJ & McCall started talking about their first email accounts, and yes they’re dorky. Tell us your first email for the #DebateAt8. And we find out who our second Valentine’s Fix finalist is, keep sharing your bad dating stories for a chance to win an awesome Grand Prize to help you win Valentine’s Day!

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