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AJ & McCall 02/06/19

What the heck does a smart fridge do? Apparently theres now a dating app where you can match up with people based on whats in their fridge. What in your fridge would get you a yes? If the unthinkable were to happen to you, are you prepared? No surprise t

57 min / Published

What the heck does a smart fridge do? Apparently there’s now a dating app where you can match up with people based on what’s in their fridge. What in your fridge would get you a yes? If the unthinkable were to happen to you, are you prepared? No surprise that McCall is and AJ has his mind blown. Yesterday AJ’s girlfriend saw a pizza guy crash his car but get out and deliver the pizza on foot, which raised a question McCall has had for the Debate At 8; what weather would you not order delivery in? Yesterday there some heavy snow for a bit so would you order delivery? McCall lived her life on the edge yesterday, BUT only got through because of the karma coin she earned.

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