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AJ & McCall 02/13/19

A new conspiracy theory! Thanks to YouTuber Shane Dawson Chuck E Cheese reusing pizza seems to have gained some traction, but McCall shatters AJs world by confirming a childhood fear of his. Definitely past the point of no return when it comes to Valenti

1 hr / Published

A new conspiracy theory! Thanks to YouTuber Shane Dawson Chuck E Cheese reusing pizza seems to have gained some traction, but McCall shatters AJ’s world by confirming a childhood fear of his. Definitely past the point of no return when it comes to Valentine’s Day but you should always be watching out for red flags. What are those warnings you should have pulled the ripcord on and bailed out? Jed needs advice for the Debate At 8 because he may be facing a red flag of his own. Having a social media account created for him and being post on by not him, warning sign? Then there’s Vanessa and her social media stalkers. All of the voting comes to an end for the Valentine’s Fix today, so who had the worst story?

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