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AJ & McCall 02/19/19

Is there anyone that actually gets fashion? Theres a company in Italy thats turning spoiled milk in to t-shirts in the barfiest fashion ever. McCall came up with the app of all apps to make grocery shopping way easier, and AJ totally agrees that its geni

55 min / Published

Is there anyone that actually gets fashion? There’s a company in Italy that’s turning spoiled milk in to t-shirts in the barfiest fashion ever. McCall came up with the app of all apps to make grocery shopping way easier, and AJ totally agrees that it’s genius. It looks like someone may have put it together but we all know who deserves the credit. Fresh off a blind date AJ has a friend who is unhappy about how his date was described. There’s those code words that are used to round out the edges like quirky, fun, gentle soul. There’s a lot of code words out there that AJ & McCall have used to describe dates, friends and others for the Debate At 8. AJ & McCall are lucky enough to get a tasty treat today!

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