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AJ & McCall 03/01/19

McCall was delayed today by a deer who called shotgun but luckily nothing too bad happened. Of course AJ had his run in with cows, so what weird thing has caused a traffic jam for you? Earplugs, a bunch of saran wrap, a bunch of Vaseline and masking tape

1 hr 14 min / Published

McCall was delayed today by a deer who called shotgun but luckily nothing too bad happened. Of course AJ had his run in with cows, so what weird thing has caused a traffic jam for you? Earplugs, a bunch of saran wrap, a bunch of Vaseline and masking tape; what would someone do professionally to buy that stuff? It got a weird look from the cashier but it’s not half as bad as McCall getting accused of making meth. AJ is from Indiana and that’s part of the Midwest right? Not according to McCall and they’ve been arguing about it since yesterday. They’re going to make their own maps to divide up the United States for the Debate At 8. Deer, cows, geese, sheep and now another animal will be added to the list that just wants to cause an accident for you.

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