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AJ & McCall 03/06/18

McCall has a #FeelGoodTuesday story for us that, surprise, is about dogs. A dog that had its favorite toy be discontinued was able to find some more. Whats something that if it was discontinued you would be lost, unable to replace it? A new study officia

1 hr 37 min / Published

McCall has a #FeelGoodTuesday story for us that, surprise, is about dogs. A dog that had its favorite toy be discontinued was able to find some more. What’s something that if it was discontinued you would be lost, unable to replace it? A new study officially defined the years that the Millennial and Generation Z are. From 1996-2011 what should those kids’ cool nickname be? A new study said the most expensive year in life is 31. AJ & McCall think that’s way too old, but both agree they haven’t hit their most expensive year of their lives yet. Yesterday everyone though ‘Is it AJ or is it Tyler’ was too easy, so today Tyler is in the studios and we’ll do a take two. Can you tell the difference between the brothers, because they can’t hear it.

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