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AJ & McCall 03/20/19

Its the first day of spring, but is it everything its cracked up to be? McCall also has a moon magic update for us. What Florida Man are you, a fun game that was brought to AJ & McCalls attention? Is Spring Cleaning a thing? Does the sun come out, t

54 min / Published

It’s the first day of spring, but is it everything it’s cracked up to be? McCall also has a moon magic update for us. What Florida Man are you, a fun game that was brought to AJ & McCall’s attention? Is Spring Cleaning a thing? Does the sun come out, the temperature warm up and you feel compelled to clean? AJ shared how he almost ran out of gas playing a kids game as his lame story but his mom decided that wasn’t embarrassing enough and he heard the same stories he and everyone he loves has heard. What story can you not live down for the Debate At 8? AJ has a friend visiting and he made the mistake of asking about the weather, so how do we prank him?

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