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AJ & McCall 03/21/18

Wednesday is Word of the Week Wednesday #WoWW and that means AJ & McCall add two new words to the #VFX dictionary. Can you use puncer (the mild annoyance of people not getting the hint) or sultine (that case of nervousness that comes with sending a

1 hr 30 min / Published

Wednesday is Word of the Week Wednesday #WoWW and that means AJ & McCall add two new words to the #VFX dictionary. Can you use puncer (the mild annoyance of people not getting the hint) or sultine (that case of nervousness that comes with sending a risky message) in conversation? Yesterday it was pickle slushies and ketchup cake and today it’s bacon and egg shampoo and conditioner. All of these seem unnecessary, so what smells do we actually need? What would you like to have your hair smell like? We’ve already seen some Girl Scouts out, including those that donated to our Food Drive, but what is the best cookie? For the #DebateAt8 can we figure out which cookie is best? McCall says it’s Samoas and AJ says either Thin Mints or Tagalongs. One of McCall’s favorite emojis is going away. The laughing crying face emoji is being used way less, but we have a fun game to play. What was your last emoji you used? Because now it’s going to be tattooed on you.

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