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AJ & McCall 03/26/19

McCall loves her dogs, but how much? Is she gonna clone them? What about a new exotic pet? Someone ruined the conference room coffee table and thats right in line with AJs grown up moment from this weekend. He sounded like an old man but he doesnt want h

1 hr 3 min / Published

McCall loves her dogs, but how much? Is she gonna clone them? What about a new exotic pet? Someone ruined the conference room coffee table and that’s right in line with AJ’s grown up moment from this weekend. He sounded like an old man but he doesn’t want his furniture ruined. Who’s the most annoying person on social media: the over-sharer and the person who shares all their business. AJ saw a friend’s girlfriend post an engagement ring pic on her Facebook with the caption “Found one I like if he ever wants to get it for me.” and it really bothered him. Is this a big deal for the Debate At 8? AJ & McCall are getting a logo but can’t decide which one so they need your input on which you like most.

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