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AJ & McCall 03/27/19

Holograph concerts? A new animal that determines spring? Maybe instead of going hiking this spring McCall can join AJ in his enjoyment of fantasy sports and play fantasy bird watching? AJ & McCall have never said they arent awkward so it shouldnt be

1 hr 4 min / Published

Holograph concerts? A new animal that determines spring? Maybe instead of going hiking this spring McCall can join AJ in his enjoyment of fantasy sports and play fantasy bird watching? AJ & McCall have never said they aren’t awkward so it shouldn’t be surprising awkward family situations have arisen, including AJ possibly cutting out early from his sister’s graduation party? Both children of divorce they have some advice on that too. AJ & McCall are work spouses and, despite all the crazy things they do, there are still some things they can’t do together. Over the weekend AJ got a reminder about a favorite hobby of his he has little patience with. What can’t you do with your significant other for the Debate At 8? There’s a ghost in McCall’s house that is friendly but one couple in Michigan isn’t so lucky.

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