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AJ & McCall 04/05/18

AJ & McCall have both been back and forth on trying to eat better, but we all have our struggles. Whats your guilty pleasure food? Whats the weakness that halts your eating better? Weve got a new game thats sweeping the nation! ...or at least Florid

1 hr 35 min / Published

AJ & McCall have both been back and forth on trying to eat better, but we all have our struggles. What’s your guilty pleasure food? What’s the weakness that halts your eating better? We’ve got a new game that’s sweeping the nation! …or at least Florida. Can you tell us which crazy story is from Florida, and don’t worry you get AJ on your team. McCall has another quiz for just AJ and it’s about celebrity middle names, can he get any right? And speaking of middle names, one of AJ or McCall goes by their middle name but who? Not Florida, but a woman in Phoenix tazed her teenage son to get him up for Easter church. What’s the worst way you’ve ever been woken up? Can anyone beat McCall’s wake up stories for the #DebataeAt8? We’ve got more USU End of the Year Bash tickets to give away, but before then USUSA Activities Director Meghan Tatom is in to tell us how the show got put together, favorite memories and what happens on show day.

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