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AJ & McCall 04/05/19

Who is inventing all these weird viral trends? What good is it to be able to sound like a car alarm? Though there is a seagull calling competition in Washington. Last week it was social media for McCalls Musical Thoughts but AJ was hoping for something t

1 hr / Published

Who is inventing all these weird viral trends? What good is it to be able to sound like a car alarm? Though there is a seagull calling competition in Washington. Last week it was social media for McCall’s Musical Thoughts but AJ was hoping for something that could really help, like traffic? Speaking of traffic, when you go on a road trip you need a really good co-pilot but what are their responsibilities? Do the passengers control the music or not for the Debate At 8? Could imagine getting ready for the last weekend in the college basketball brackets and the NCAA tells you to take your wedding registry down?

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