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AJ & McCall 04/15/19

We havent seen the sun in awhile but eventually itll be back and so will sunburns. AJs brother went to Florida and possibly got the worst burn. McCalls lousy server jobs are well documented and there are several plenty of family members AJ doesnt like go

1 hr 7 min / Published

We haven’t seen the sun in awhile but eventually it’ll be back and so will sunburns. AJ’s brother went to Florida and possibly got the worst burn. McCall’s lousy server jobs are well documented and there are several plenty of family members AJ doesn’t like going out to eat with because it always ends up embarrassing him, but how does it measure up against your embarrassing restaurant stories? AJ’s family didn’t have a good week and his oldest sister, a senior, almost didn’t go to prom. Oh boy does it get even uglier for the Debate At 8, luckily his mom will explain what happened with the tickets and what school staff yelled at her. Apparently AJ doesn’t know McCall as well as he thought since he just didn’t know that she burnt her butt before.

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