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AJ & McCall 04/17/19

Yesterday the debate raged on the internet about which side of the Easter candy line you were on, but then Heinz came in and united the world with another disgusting creation of theirs. AJ & McCall have been very vocal about their disgust with peeps

1 hr 2 min / Published

Yesterday the debate raged on the internet about which side of the Easter candy line you were on, but then Heinz came in and united the world with another disgusting creation of theirs. AJ & McCall have been very vocal about their disgust with peeps but today they put their money where their mouths are and try them…well McCall has to stuff her mouth for Chubby Bunny-oke. AJ had to come let McCall in to work because she locked her self out, which apparently isn’t a problem despite a trend that we definitely will explore for the Debate At 8. What’s that in the sky? It’s bright and makes us happy.

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