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AJ & McCall 04/30/19

What did McCall do yesterday during Dustins birthday while heading to get pizza dinner that has her saying she messed up? Is it worse than the anonymous message AJ got from a husband that ruined Avengers for his wife? How many sunglasses is too many? McC

1 hr 15 min / Published

What did McCall do yesterday during Dustin’s birthday while heading to get pizza dinner that has her saying she messed up? Is it worse than the anonymous message AJ got from a husband that ruined Avengers for his wife? How many sunglasses is too many? McCall apparently collects them and chapsticks and phone chargers and just scatters them all over her life so she always has them. Do you have designated items for each place or just move a few around where you need them? How is it that AJ gets blamed for both his girlfriend AND McCall not seeing movies or shows others have? How much responsibility do you have to make sure your partner sees them for the Debate At 8? AJ & McCall have been enlisted in a special promposal!

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