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AJ & McCall 05/06/19

Do you want to be mushrooms or a tree after you die, who would invent a realistic shark pool toy and what does take the easy way out mean when it comes to allergies? McCall is apparently the queen of Logan with our royal baby updates, meanwhile AJ is jus

1 hr 19 min / Published

Do you want to be mushrooms or a tree after you die, who would invent a realistic shark pool toy and what does ‘take the easy way out’ mean when it comes to allergies? McCall is apparently the queen of Logan with our royal baby updates, meanwhile AJ is just happy to get past his red flag dates. How did you get your money as a kid; chores, allowance or a job? It’s different for AJ & McCall and they disagree on how to go about it for the Debate At 8. Several people are getting fired after some big TV mistakes this weekend, but there is good news also thanks to Chance the Rapper.

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