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AJ & McCall 05/09/19

Who knows their mom better, AJ or McCall? The new royal babys name was finally revealed and McCall is all about it but how well does she know the history of royal names? Do you splurge after a break up? McCall got invited on a post break up camping trip

1 hr 13 min / Published

Who knows their mom better, AJ or McCall? The new royal baby’s name was finally revealed and McCall is all about it but how well does she know the history of royal names? Do you splurge after a break up? McCall got invited on a post break up camping trip but is a little concerned about the money her friend is going to potentially spend. Everyone has been doing an activity and gotten lost in deep thought, but what is that activity? McCall says mowing the lawn is the best activity to get lost in thought for the Debate At 8. Is there a wrong way to eat chicken nuggets? AJ & McCall found it and, despite the utter disgust, McCall is more upset about a great promotional name that was missed in the building.

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