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AJ & McCall 05/16/18

Summer is the time of Me Time and hopefully you gave mom some time to herself during Mothers Day, but what do you do for me time? AJ is really enjoying softball and thats his me time, but did he get a hit last night or is McCall eating the gross pickles?

1 hr 24 min / Published

Summer is the time of ‘Me Time’ and hopefully you gave mom some time to herself during Mother’s Day, but what do you do for me time? AJ is really enjoying softball and that’s his me time, but did he get a hit last night or is McCall eating the gross pickles? The internet is getting super worked up over a clip and can’t decide with it says laurel or yanny. What do you hear? AJ & McCall even have it pitched up and down to see if you can hear both. Two weeks from Friday is AJ & McCall’s one year together as a team and they have a performance review coming, so to prep they’re just going to get all of their mistakes out in the open so it’s all transparent. They have a few they’ll share and even get a phone call from one of their bosses, and for the Debate At 8 tell us your work mistakes. And if you want to say something about the AJ & McCall show ahead of their performance review then you can send it to the email kyle@cvradio.com. We all know that McCall loves those terrible dad jokes and AJ hates them, but who wouldn’t want to win $10,000?! Laffy Taffy is having a joke contest so have a laugh off with us! What’s your best joke?

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