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AJ & McCall 05/28/19

Its okay you can admit you are burned out because its now medially proven. If a fast food employee took a bath in the kitchen sink would you ever eat there again? AJ saw a road sign up in Montana that he never saw before and cant figure it out so maybe A

1 hr 12 min / Published

It’s okay you can admit you are burned out because it’s now medially proven. If a fast food employee took a bath in the kitchen sink would you ever eat there again? AJ saw a road sign up in Montana that he never saw before and can’t figure it out so maybe Ajay, who’s filling in for McCall, can venture some guesses. AJ’s Memorial Day road trip was up and down because he crashed he car and found himself outside of cell range. What’s the toughest spot you’ve found yourself in? Ajay is deathly afraid of snakes, hates even pictures, but would he camp with them over bears?

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