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AJ & McCall 06/06/19

What drinks do you put ice in? Who was the dramatic one yesterday; AJ with his bird death or McCall partially agreeing to stabbing tires? A mountain (really a boulder) is forcing an entire highway to be moved in Colorado. Everyone takes a sick day occasi

1 hr 2 min / Published

What drinks do you put ice in? Who was the dramatic one yesterday; AJ with his bird death or McCall partially agreeing to stabbing tires? A mountain (really a boulder) is forcing an entire highway to be moved in Colorado. Everyone takes a sick day occasionally, but what is the limit for what you can use them for? A particular reason has come up between AJ & McCall and will be solved for the Debate At 8. Amazon is about to roll out a new way to make deliveries, and we all know how much McCall loves curb side delivery, but will she like this?

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