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AJ & McCall 06/19/18

So AJ is still trying to find his next car and McCall is going to test what he knows. Can you perform maintenance on your vehicle? Do you know what is a car part and what isnt? The embarrassment doesnt stop there either, because for his whole life AJ has

1 hr 48 min / Published

So AJ is still trying to find his next car and McCall is going to test what he knows. Can you perform maintenance on your vehicle? Do you know what is a car part and what isn’t? The embarrassment doesn’t stop there either, because for his whole life AJ has believe that potatoes and corn aren’t vegetables because of what his mom told him. What lies did your parents tell you? In Kansas a toddler broke a very valuable statue worth over $130,000. What’s the most expensive thing you or your kid has broken? And two part Debate At 8 because those places that have bans and restrictions on when kids can be in, good idea? Even if you aren’t dieting you’ve probably heard of the Keto Diet, it’s everywhere, but what is it?

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