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AJ & McCall 06/22/18

AJ & McCall got treats yesterday, and yes its too early to eat candy but not to debate what the best candy bar is. Also, are Reeses Peanut Butter Cups candy bars? McCall went to a wedding last night and is going to a baby shower tomorrow, but isnt s

1 hr 40 min / Published

AJ & McCall got treats yesterday, and yes it’s too early to eat candy but not to debate what the best candy bar is. Also, are Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups candy bars? McCall went to a wedding last night and is going to a baby shower tomorrow, but isn’t sure what to get. Is money too tacky to give as a gift? AJ’s dad put a family car out to pasture after 22 years and absolutely refusing to not let it die. Do you need car closure? McCall says no way for the Debate At 8. iPod Idol returns with the loser leading the wake up lap for the Relay for Life next Saturday in costume. The song is Post Malone ‘Psycho’ but what is the stylistic choice?

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