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AJ & McCall 07/12/18

A whole range of emotions will be covered on todays AJ & McCall Show. You break in to someones house, not to steal or smash anything, but just to be annoying. What would you do to leave a mild inconvenience? McCall sleep walks and talks, do you? Tha

1 hr 49 min / Published

A whole range of emotions will be covered on today’s AJ & McCall Show. You break in to someone’s house, not to steal or smash anything, but just to be annoying. What would you do to leave a mild inconvenience? McCall sleep walks and talks, do you? That’s a bit weird and funny to the creepy that is our imagination. Does your kid have an imaginary friend? What happened the last time a figment of your imagination scared you? And yes, this Debate At 8 gets super scary fast! What makes people the angriest the fastest? Traffic! We’re going to avoid  traffic with the best short cuts in Cache Valley, so tell us yours. And a study was done on the worst big cities to drive in, did anywhere around here make it in the list?

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