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AJ & McCall 07/17/18

AJ & McCall got a lyric stuck in their head yesterday that theyre really struggling to figure out. What does it mean to live life like a volcano because this lyric has them confused? Wrong answers only! Max George has been tweeting us back and were

1 hr 38 min / Published

AJ & McCall got a lyric stuck in their head yesterday that they’re really struggling to figure out. What does it mean to ‘live life like a volcano’ because this lyric has them confused? Wrong answers only! Max George has been tweeting us back and we’re a little starstruck, so let’s all humble brag. What are your celebrity encounters? It is Feel Good Tuesday and today that is us venting our First World Problems for the Debate At 8. Is it not being able to use your hands-free equipment like McCall can’t? Is it something with driving, food or clothing? What’s your minor annoyance? AJ is getting ready to eat gross foods for losing iPod Idol and McCall is taking suggestions because she wants him to barf. GIF us your gross food!

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