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AJ & McCall 07/31/18

A discussion in the building came up about 3-day weekends. If they became permanent which day would you pick, Monday or Friday? AJ is still in the market for a car and is being cheap so today were handing out badges of honor? Who has the oldest car? Most

1 hr 27 min / Published

A discussion in the building came up about 3-day weekends. If they became permanent which day would you pick, Monday or Friday? AJ is still in the market for a car and is being cheap so today we’re handing out badges of honor? Who has the oldest car? Most miles? AJ celebrated one year dating this weekend and remembered the date…after a few months of asking, but did forget a very important birthday this year. McCall has no problems with birthdays, at least being able to ballpark the month and apparently still remembers phone numbers. For the Debate At 8, what are your forgotten date stories? It’s time for another meme game! Show us what you see by taking a picture of what you’re looking at, and why does Producer Butterz want to have a meeting with AJ & McCall?

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