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AJ & McCall 08/27/18

Back to McCalls old stomping grounds at Bear River High School to start the second week of the Back 2 School Tour and McCall says she can predict the forecast for the rest of the year. Its cooling down but there will only be one week of fall. AJ was call

56 min / Published

Back to McCall’s old stomping grounds at Bear River High School to start the second week of the Back 2 School Tour and McCall says she can predict the forecast for the rest of the year. It’s cooling down but there will only be one week of fall. AJ was calling the Green Canyon game Friday and posted the score at halftime only for the team to lose, is he a jinx? No one likes moving, that’s a given, but what quirks do you have around your house? What are the minor things you have to explain or that annoy you for the Debate At 8. One of the coolest things about a school is the mascot, so which one would you want to be yours?

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