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AJ & McCall 09/04/18

The last stop of the Back 2 School Tour has AJ & McCall at Box Elder High School and there are some people that need to come back to school because they dont know how lines work. We can vent a little because McCall had a rough trip down to the schoo

1 hr 7 min / Published

The last stop of the Back 2 School Tour has AJ & McCall at Box Elder High School and there are some people that need to come back to school because they don’t know how lines work. We can vent a little because McCall had a rough trip down to the school. ‘I know you’re a bad person because _______.’ what’s the answer? Labor day weekend let everybody get some me time, and for McCall that was binge watching her favorite shows and now she’s waiting. What show do you have watcher’s remorse for, the one you’re dying for the new season to come out for? And which of your favorite shows had a lousy ending for the Debate At 8? Stage 1 of the Spirit Competition is coming to an end, how is your school doing?

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