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AJ & McCall 09/05/18

Back in the studios for AJ & McCall but theyre bringing back something from the Back 2 School Tour, spam! AJ had a fun exchange with a spam social media account that texted him and McCall actually stopped a crime! What was the occasion that you spen

1 hr 16 min / Published

Back in the studios for AJ & McCall but they’re bringing back something from the Back 2 School Tour, spam! AJ had a fun exchange with a spam social media account that texted him and McCall actually stopped a crime! What was the occasion that you spent the most on a meal because AJ set a new high this past weekend. Of course meeting lots of people AJ & McCall get a lot of questions about being an On Air Personality and how much they love, but we’ve all gone through bad jobs. What’s the worst job you’ve ever had for the Debate At 8? Everyone loves their own birthdays, but have you ever fudged the date to get some free stuff because McCall did just that to Producer Butterz.

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