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AJ & McCall 09/11/18

Yesterday AJ & McCall had a friend that said Jason Momoa, Aquaman, wasnt attractive and didnt get all the hype. Now thats crazy but everyone has some celebrities that they dont dig despite the rest of the world saying theyre gorgeous, who are yours?

1 hr 17 min / Published

Yesterday AJ & McCall had a friend that said Jason Momoa, Aquaman, wasn’t attractive and didn’t get all the hype. Now that’s crazy but everyone has some celebrities that they don’t dig despite the rest of the world saying they’re gorgeous, who are yours? AJ got a talking to about being too casual, so what is appropriate for a guy who is 30? Yesterday the Debate At 8 was washing disposable items, but AJ & McCall agree that if you didn’t have those Cool Whip or Country Crock butter containers as your cheap tupperware then you didn’t really have a childhood. What other re-purposed storage have you or family members used? 9/11 is such a tough day to arrive at no matter how much time passes, but should it be a National Holiday?

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