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AJ & McCall 09/13/18

Who doesnt Pot Lucks? Theyre easy and fun, but some times we skim corners right? Whats the laziest thing to bring to a Pot Luck? McCall got to break the glass on Tinder Tuesday yesterday with our new interns and were revisiting it today, but the other si

1 hr 17 min / Published

Who doesn’t Pot Lucks? They’re easy and fun, but some times we skim corners right? What’s the laziest thing to bring to a Pot Luck? McCall got to break the glass on Tinder Tuesday yesterday with our new interns and we’re revisiting it today, but the other side of the coin. What have you done to get your ex’s attention because AJ & McCall have stories of fake engagements and stolen phones to get attention. Yesterday, the Debate At 8 was about bosses so Producer Butterz picked today’s and it’s laundry. No one sorts it right? And no one cleans the lint trap after EVERY load right? Marky Mark’s schedule is insane (230a – 730p)! How scheduled is your day?

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