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AJ & McCall 09/18/18

The IG Nobels were announced, parody Nobel Awards, including how effective a voodoo doll would work on your boss. McCall has experience with voodoo dolls and may in fact be part witch! Rich people in NYC are hiring nannies...for themselves to help them g

1 hr 3 min / Published

The IG Nobels were announced, parody Nobel Awards, including how effective a voodoo doll would work on your boss. McCall has experience with voodoo dolls and may in fact be part witch! Rich people in NYC are hiring nannies…for themselves to help them get dressed and drive them around which just seems a bit too extra. However, no one would turn down some extra help so what chore would have someone do if you could pass it off? AJ has been doing some traveling and unfortunately had his experiences interrupted by kids, but hasn’t said anything yet. For the Debate At 8 can AJ say something to the kids or parents? Intern Tiny Tim has a lot of apps, and we mean A LOT of apps. How many apps do you have and how many do you use?

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