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AJ & McCall 09/25/18

McCall gets hit up by strange guys all the time that cant take the hint, but instead of just blocking them right away we can at least mess with them a bit. What ridiculous thing should she say to end the conversation? AJ swears the best thing to have nam

1 hr 19 min / Published

McCall gets hit up by strange guys all the time that can’t take the hint, but instead of just blocking them right away we can at least mess with them a bit. What ridiculous thing should she say to end the conversation? AJ swears the best thing to have named after you is food and wants a burger named after him, and for McCall it’s coffee. What thing would you want named after you? Do you measure or just wing it? Laundry detergent, cough syrup, all of that AJ just eye balls and McCall says he’s crazy. Do you use the plastic measuring cups for the Debate At 8? What rumors have you heard, believe or want to make up about AJ & McCall? You could win a prize for telling us AND they’ll be used in another game tomorrow to win!

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