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AJ & McCall 11/13/17

AJ lost the Never Have I Ever elimination challenge Friday and now faces a punishment. Eat a paqui chip, McCall does his make up, or a random prank call? AJ & McCall enjoy thought exercises, so how about one with Little Debbie treats? Christmas Tree

1 hr 8 min / Published

AJ lost the ‘Never Have I Ever’ elimination challenge Friday and now faces a punishment. Eat a paqui chip, McCall does his make up, or a random prank call? AJ & McCall enjoy thought exercises, so how about one with Little Debbie treats? Christmas Tree Cakes, Nutty Buddies, Oatmeal Cream Pies or Honey Buns? One must go forever. And while we’re speaking of treats, what’s your food weakness. What junk food can’t you have in the house because you’ll eat all of it? It’s holiday season, and we all have at least one person that’s difficult to shop for. On a scale from 1-10 how hard are you to shop for? And what about the element of surprise, how important is it? In McCall’s case she just gives the presents immediately. AJ & McCall are always arguing about pineapple on pizza, well now the internet has come out with mini pizzas on a slice of pineapple. Better?

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