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AJ & McCall 11/16/17

AJ & McCall consider themselves experts when it comes to most foods, but this concoction out of Iowa has them floored. Pop-Tarts with cheese in the middle, like a grilled cheese sandwich. What are some weird foods from where you are that people love

1 hr 5 min / Published

AJ & McCall consider themselves experts when it comes to most foods, but this concoction out of Iowa has them floored. Pop-Tarts with cheese in the middle, like a grilled cheese sandwich. What are some weird foods from where you are that people love? A high school in Utah is looking to change it’s mascot, and believe it or not, AJ has a short list for this exact topic. If you could name a mascot what would you pick? Holiday is the season of travel and that means fighting over arm rests. Who gets the arm rests, on planes, in theaters, etc? #DebateAt8 Millions of people waste time in a public toilet on Netflix and 77 minutes a week is wasted at work on YouTube. So what’s your favorite series to binge or video to watch?

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