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AJ & McCall 11/21/17

AJ & McCall came up with a fun game to speak gooder. Were calling it Filler Word Fixer, pick a team for who will say the least (uh, um, so, gotcha, etc) and win. AJ & McCall also have buzzers prepared to buzz each other. Yesterday after talking

1 hr 22 min / Published

AJ & McCall came up with a fun game to speak gooder. We’re calling it Filler Word Fixer, pick a team for who will say the least (uh, um, so, gotcha, etc) and win. AJ & McCall also have buzzers prepared to buzz each other. Yesterday after talking about Thanksgiving food, and AJ mentioning he loves mac n cheese during Thanksgiving, Producer Butterz made it his mission to find out if anyone else did this. No one did. Mac N Cheese as a Thanksgiving side, yay or nay? What Thanksgiving side must you have? What’s your number one that makes the whole holiday? #DebateAt8 Anyone traveling for the holidays? Where are you going?

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