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AJ & McCall 11/27/17

AJ & McCall are back from the holidays and have questions about leftovers. What do you do with them? And how long do you keep them? AJ has a TON of food left over. AJ got caught in cow crash on Wednesday and was stuck on the interstate. Whats the lo

1 hr 11 min / Published

AJ & McCall are back from the holidays and have questions about leftovers. What do you do with them? And how long do you keep them? AJ has a TON of food left over. AJ got caught in cow crash on Wednesday and was stuck on the interstate. What’s the longest you’ve been stuck in traffic? And the most ridiculous reason for being so? Someone on the internet decided to sell a used coffin, USED! What is the weirdest thing you’ve seen for sale? #DebateAt8 AJ & McCall are so ready for Cyber Monday. Will you shop more today than Black Friday? How much of your holiday shopping will you get done over that four window period?

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