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AJ & McCall 12/04/17

AJ & McCall Dropped the Mic on 2017 on Friday on their weekly podcast. Goals, accomplishments, they covered it all, so what was a goal for you from 2017? Favorite memory? VFX is having an exclusive premiere of Star Wars the Last Jedi! So what color

1 hr 12 min / Published

AJ & McCall Dropped the Mic on 2017 on Friday on their weekly podcast. Goals, accomplishments, they covered it all, so what was a goal for you from 2017? Favorite memory? VFX is having an exclusive premiere of Star Wars the Last Jedi! So what color lightsaber would pick? And how much would you trust yourself with that blade? Christmas music starts today! What song makes it the Christmas season for you? What song do you have to hear for the holidays? And for the #DebateAt8 what artist screams, or sings, Christmas music to you? Time to find out who won #iPodIdol! Friday AJ & McCall sang Havana under water and all weekend you could vote on who was best? Who will face the punishment tomorrow? What other stylistic suggestions would you like to see? Opera? Metal?

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